Since futures don’t have a one-to-one correspondence between tick change and price change (in other words, one tick does not equal one dollar or cent, as in equities), Investigator provides a convenient futures lookup table for each future, so the program will give you accurate testing results. You can make changes to the lookup table by using the Special…Futures…Lookup Table menu option.
The futures lookup table appears. The symbols are listed alphabetically. If you wish to find a symbol and you don’t want to scroll down the list, you can click the Find button. Enter the symbol you wish to display, and click OK. If the symbol is on the list, Investigator will display and highlight that symbol’s line in the list; otherwise, an error message appears.
If you wish to change a particular value, you can click the Change Symbol button. A dialog box appears in which you can change the name of the contract or change the tick value.
If a symbol is not on the lookup list, you can add the symbol by clicking on the Add Symbol button. A dialog box appears in which you can add the contract name, symbol, and tick value. When you click OK, the symbol will be added alphabetically in the futures lookup table list.
If you wish to delete a symbol, highlight the symbol and click the Delete Symbol button. Investigator will ask you to confirm deletion. If you click Yes, the symbol will be deleted.