Generating Group Relative Strength Databases

This help section explains how to generate Group Relative Strength values. If you have questions about how to maintain the Relative Strength database or if you have questions about the Relative Strength indicator, refer to those particular help sections.

To generate Group Relative Strength values select Relative Strength from the Special menu and Generate Group RS Values from the Relative Strength submenu.

A dialog box will appear that asks you which database you wish to use. Select the desired database, and click OK.

The Generate RS values dialog box appears. You need to first select which date or time period you want to generate the values for. There are three options. The first option allows you to specify a particular date in the past, while the second option allows you to specify a particular year. The final option allows you to generate values over your entire database.

If you are testing futures, make sure the Use Futures Table Lookup checkbox is checked. This guarantees accurate Relative Strength values, since Investigator will generate these values based of the price percent change of the future, not the actual percent change.

Important: If you are not testing futures, do not check the Use Futures Table Lookup checkbox. Many stock symbols are the same as futures symbols, so if this option is checked, Investigator will assume the stock symbol is a future and will use the futures lookup table to calculate a Relative Strength value, giving you potentially false values. Similarly, it is dangerous to combine futures and stocks in a Relative Strength generation, since the futures lookup table will be used on all of your stocks.

Finally, you need to make sure the correct Relative Strength directory is chosen. If it is not, click on the arrow in the drop down list and select the correct directory.

Make sure that your current RS directory is a directory which contains some previously generated RS values. Click on one of the following links to learn about the Relative Strength directory or how to change the Relative Strength directory.

When you click OK, what happens next depends on the date or time period option you chose. If you chose the specific date option, the Generate RS Values for a Specific Date dialog box appears. Choose the year, month, and day that you want to use for testing, click OK, and the Group Relative Strength testing dialog box appears (See below).

If you chose the specific year option, a dialog box will appear asking you which year you wish to generate values for. Select the year, click OK, and the Relative Strength testing dialog box appears (See below).

If you chose the all values option, a message box appears asking you to confirm this option. If you click Yes, the Group Relative Strength testing dialog box appears. The dialog box will show the current date, the current group, and the current symbol that it is working on. It will also show you the elapsed time.

When you generate Group Relative Strength values, Investigator starts a separate thread for the test. You can think of this as running a separate program. You have the option of changing the priority for the thread. For example, you can make it the most or least important thread (or process) running on your computer by selecting the appropriate process level.

You also have the ability to pause Group Relative Strength generation if you want to temporarily use your computer for another use.

When Investigator is finished generating Group Relative Strength values, if you selected the last trading day or specific date option, the View Group Relative Strength Values dialog box will appear with the values for this date. If you selected the specific year or the all values option, a message box will appear telling you the Investigator is finished generating these values.