RS Database Manager Overview

Investigator allows you to have as many (Delta) Relative Strength Directories and Databases as you desire. By default, Investigator will use its own directory to create your databases. This is all right if you have only a few databases; however, if you have several, you may want to create several directories according to the type of databases created. For example, one directory might contain your individual stock databases and another would contain your industry group databases. Another example would be having one directory that contained stocks while having another directory that contained futures. All of these databases and directories would become unwieldy if it weren’t for the RS Database Manager. The Database Manager allows you to generate all of your databases with just one command. You simply tell Investigator where all of the databases that you created are located, and in which directories, and Investigator will update all of your databases at the end of the day with one command. Before continuing, make sure that you know all of the steps it takes to create (Delta) Relative Strength databases.

Before proceeding to the RS Database Manager, make sure that you have generated all of the (D)RS databasesthat you wish to update on a continual basis. To bring up the RS Database Manager, select RS Database Manager from the Special menu and Change from the RS Database Manager menu. You will see a list of Available Databases and Current Databases. The Available Databases shows a list of databases available in the Current RS Directory. You can change this directory by selecting a new one on the drop-down list. If you don’t see the directory you want, you may have to Add or Delete a RS Directory.

You add to the Current Databases that Investigator will generate (D)RS values for by selecting the database you wish in the Available Databases list and clicking on the right arrow. Similarly, to take a database out of the list, select it on the Current Databases list and click the left arrow.

Click here to see the Advanced options for RS Database Maintenance.