Changing Group and File Information

This section assumes that you have read the Data Types and Groups Overview section.

At times, you may decide that you wish to use specific data files for system library or historical testing, relative strength generation, or bad data checking, rather than using all of your data files. You can select specific files by adding them to a group, and then testing on just that group. To change group information, select Groups from the Special menu. The Groups dialog box will appear.

Important Note: If you are doing a historical test, make sure that the same data file does not appear in two or more different groups. The file would be tested at least twice and would skew the testing results.

If you want to add a new group, you first need to make sure that the current data type is selected for the files which you wish to add to the group. If you wish to add files of different data types to the same group, you will have to change data types before adding the new files. Click on the Add Group button. First, the Group Name dialog box will appear. Type in the name for the new group. When you click OK, the Open File dialog box appears.

If you want to delete a group, click on the group on list on the left and click the Delete Group button. A dialog box will appear asking you to confirm the deletion of the group. If you click Yes, the group will be deleted. Please note that the group is deleted immediately and cannot be recovered.

If you decide that you want to not use a group for system library testing, historical testing, relative strength generation, or bad data checking, you can decide to change the use of the group. The groups are listed on the left hand side of the dialog box, followed by a Yes or No. A Yes means that the group will be used by Investigator, a No means the group will be ignored. You can toggle a single or multiple groups between Yes and No by clicking on the group or groups and clicking the Use Group button.

If you want to add files to an existing group, click on the desired group on the left and click the Add Files button. The Open File dialog box appears.

If you want to delete files from a group, click on the files on list on the right and click the Delete Files button. A dialog box will appear asking you to confirm the deletion of the file or files. If you click Yes, the files will be deleted immediately.

Finally, you will have to choose whether you want to test using the data files or groups option. See the Data Types and Groups Overview section for more information on this option.

Note: You cannot change group information when you are running a system library test, a historical test, generating Relative Strength values, or checking for bad data.